Wednesday, July 12, 2017

4D3N OnBoard Lombok-Sumbawa-Komodo-Labuan Bajo(Flores)

The Price is IDR 1,7 millions  from Senggigi to Labuan Bajo 4D3n  (17-20 August 2015)

DAY #1
Departed from Bangsal Harbour (north of Senggigi)at 1 pm, 20 people will sleep on the deck. I wasn’t feeling well since the first, couldn’t imagine the rest of the trip. We stop in the middle of the sea somewhere, to have a swim since there is no shower. But I was too lazy. One of the girl is going too much at the front of the boat and falling, lucky that her camera was in the bag and it’s safe.
I didn’t eat lunch and dinner, felt sea sick, even threw up in the night.
20 people squeezed in small boat. I'm the only one Indonesian(and asian) passenger, the others are European